My Nutrition Philosophy

What shocks me about the nutrition/weight loss field:
There are an estimated number of 108 million Americans are on a diet.
Almost all people (98%) who lose weight on a diet gain back the weight in a year.
9 out of 10 women are unhappy about their appearances.
I was also one of them. I struggled to accept my body and weight.
Honestly, I was confused. Really confused about what to eat, how to exercise, and above all, balancing everything that I have to do (school, work, friends) while limiting food intake and excessively exercising. ​
It took a while for me to figure out what I was doing wrong and how to make it right.
Even while I was studying to be a Registered Dietitian, I was not satisfied with the things I was being taught nor with my body. The things I was trained in were conventional nutrition teachings such as calorie counting/restrictions, micronutrient intake, etc. I understand these methods and strategies can be effective if applied appropriately for a certain population.
But unfortunately, these teaching weren't sustainable and I found it hard to follow unless I become so meticulously type A... which I don't have the personality for. Also, they didn't align with what I wanted to do and how I wanted to serve the people I desired to work with (people who are struggling with weight, emotional eating, and stress eating).
So I decided to challenge the status quo of conventional weight management methods. Because we know they don't work for most people struggling with weight
and it's just not fun to be on a diet!
My nutrition philosophy is
Make Peace with Food
So many people are fighting against, frightened, confused, and at unease about what they eat. I want to solve that because I know it's frustrating and I hate to keep people in such state as they aspire to improve their health and do what they're meant to do in the world. I want to help people become more comfortable in their own skin while enjoying the foods they like to eat.
My goal is to help those who are struggling to get out of the rut and become the best version of themselves. -Without sacrificing their health and/or nutrition.

Life is to be enjoyed!
I believe that food is here to nourish and sustain us so that we can enjoy the time with our loved ones.
Therefore, in my practice, I will never make you count calories, follow a strict diet, meal plan, or do a food journal to scrutinize what you eat.
I am going to discuss with you what are some of the challenges you are facing, what you think is causing your weight gain or other health challenges.
From there, I will give you guide you to how you can improve your health and nutrition intake while improving your relationship with food and yourself.
We will come up with an actionable plan that we both feel comfortable in achieving. I am here to walk alongside with you throughout your journey to discover and cultivate a healthier relationship with food.
For more detail, check out What to Expect page.
In health,
Miho Hatanaka, RDN, LD